Tuesday, June 12, 2007


I just set this blog up and want to see if it is working....


The Conrads said...

We LOVE the name! Have a great time. May your first day involve no backing up! Take care and keep posting.

The Conrads

Unknown said...

Safe travels. We'll take good care of Spicy.

The Slusars

soccer grandma said...

Hey Guys! Its Kylie. Katie, I hope you are having fun. It was really hot today at soccer camp. I was like dying. You know, i had to create an account to post this message. Well you be a good girl and don't let any boy get fresh with you! LOL! just kidding. Love YA!
~Soccer G-Ma
P.S. I hope you see a bear.

soccer grandma said...

Hey guys! Its kylie again. I got a lot of blisters from soccer camp. Oh yeah! Today i like ran out of water and so i got some water from the jug they had. And it was YELLOW! and it tasted like SOAP! =[
Well i got to go get my cane and medicine. LOL. Hope you are having fun. Love YA! <3
~soccer G-Ma

soccer grandma said...

Hey! How are you guys doing? I'm okay. Sorry didnt write yesterday, mom made me go shopping and stuff after soccer. But anyway, like today i was totally rocking in futsal. I was bombarded by these 2 girls and i pulled all my moves and it worked! i had to use the inside and outside roll, pull back, and stepover. i wore them and myself out. but it was awesome. Well got to go. My bones are aching, like seriously too. LOL. I'm praying 4 you guys. Love YA! <3
~Soccer G-MA

Audette said...

What a great bonding experience for all of you! Enjoy and be safe!


MG said...

Yes I did know about the "bimbette" ranger....she is my sister!

We'll talk when you get back!!


P.S. Checking out your blog is the highlight of our day....keep it coming!

soccer grandma said...

Hey Yo! Just trying out some new slang i heard from some youngsters.LOL. I hope you guys are having fun. Tommorow's my party but it gonna be boring w/o you, Katie. :*(. But anyway. At camp, there is this award called the Patriot Award and it is 4 the best. I wanted to have fun so i didnt do my best, but anyway this kid got it and he sucks. He tried out 4 the Blitz and my friend knows the coach and she was like "hey charly is matt good?" and he was like "No! that kid sux!" lol. and so when he won the award me and my friend started cracking up and everyone looked at us. it was funny. but anyway got to get ready 4 my party. Love Ya! <3
~Soccer G-Ma

PMA said...

Hey now... sounds like y'all are having a lot of fun. Gotta love a bimbette park ranger!!!

Hope it is not too hot in the Badlands...

Keep the posts coming

PMA said...

wait a minute... is that an air conditioner on top of that trailer.

I am calling a foul on that! ;-)

soccer grandma said...

Hey! You must be having a lot of fun. Today was fun. It was my party and only 9 ppl came. =[ out of 24 i invited. o well it was a blast. We had an m&m icecream cake. it was really good. So from now to adam's camp >=[ i get to chill. i dont want to go to adams camp he scares me. well anyway my mom makes me blog cause i promised katie and she says it is a responsibility so you will be hearing from me almost everyday. Well got to go. Love Ya <3
~Soccer G-Ma

soccer grandma said...

Hey! What it is up? Hehee. Today we went swimming nothing new. But my mom called this lady who has some boston terrier puppies so i'm hoping we will get one after we come back from the beach. The lady said it will take at least 4 days for Boomer to adjust since he's been an only child for 9 years. Well got to go. We are going to see my brother's new house. Love Ya! <3
~Soccer G-Ma