Thursday, June 21, 2007

On to South Dakota

Completed our visit with the Iowa relatives and hit the road yesterday around 11:00a. The day's plan was to drive to Yankton, SD to spend the night at the Lewis & Clark National Recreation Area - approx. 400 miles - 1300+ total so far.

We stopped for lunch and snapped this picture to give an idea of the size of our rig. Looks small compared to the semi, but we are around 55 feet long.

Arrived at Lewis & Clark around 6:00p and needed to find a campsite. We are at Chief White Crane campground - don't know who he is and why he has a campground... It is a beautiful spot on the Missouri River and Lake Yankton. We are right below the dam - haven't seen any leaks yet, but Matt keeps looking for us. The very nice park ranger at the office said we could have any spot we wanted and suggested we drive through the campground and pick one out. So we did. Found a great spot on the lake edge and set everything up - unhooked, slides out, leveled, took pictures, etc. Looking forward to a quiet evening of dinner by the campfire followed by smores, we went back to the office to get some firewood, directions to the grocery store and tell her which site we selected. Well, bimbette ranger neglected to tell us that some of the sites were already reserved including the one we just spent the last hour getting all set up in. We needed to move!! Now it's after 7:00p, we need to go hook back up, move on to a different site, still need to get to the grocery store so we can get something to eat and so on... Our cheerfullness about our idyllic setting was quickly evaporating. Where did we move to? Two sites down. We finally ended up eating dinner after 10:30p and skipping the smores.

Picture of Terry, my little Sacagawea, the next morning (Thur.) on the banks of the Missouri R. As nice as this place is, we are pulling out this morning and heading on to the Badlands NP. Should be about a 300 mi. journey. Thanks goes to Mike G., my boss and SD native, for telling me about this location - I don't think he knew about the bimbette ranger though...

Thanks to those who have posted comments - keep them coming. It nice to know someone is reading this stuff.... Kylie - sorry about your blisters - no bears or boys yet for Katie. Stay tuned :-)


Rosanna Louie said...

Hey Andersons!!

Awesome-o pictures! I'm glad that your travels have been great thus far! Bummer about the bimbette Ranger... bound to happen, and figures that it'd be you guys. Did that guy behind Terry catch anything?
On behalf of the Endocrine Disruptors, we miss you!! Glad you're finally getting a vacation, and wish we were there to enjoy it with you. In fact, make room in the trailer, 'cuz we're coming! That's right, all 15 of us, and we haven't showered since winning our 6/20 game to keep from washing off our winning streak! Okay, just kidding.
Safe travels to the Badlands! -RTU

Jules said...

Hey you Guysers! So glad you are having a great time. Today will hopefully be my last day at work for the summer - may have to return next week if I don't get my butt in gear though.....this week was a real DOOZY....will have neice Lisa for a visit next week - she may have to be put to work! I am jealous of your adventures....and looking forward to reading more! Keep the good times rolling and keep taking the everyone getting along ok? Sacajawea still ok with the accommodations? Good luck with future bimbo rangers and the s'mores......XOXOXOjules

izzy said...

Love to hear about all the "new' adventures for this new generation of Anderson family adventures. Although I dont think I will ever tire of hearing about the "old" adventures!!What a great bonding experience!Things must be going well because you havent posted in a day or so, at least i hope things are going well!! Will check in daily ,for those of us who are not that adventurous to take a 4 week vacation across the country this is the highlight of our day!!.lol Although to make it similar to the past Anderson adventures I really think you should have taken a few more children along!!.lol there may be AC in your camper but remember folks Sacajawea was no dummy!!!lol You go girl!!.lol
love cousin Cathy (Izzy)

Mike & the M's said...

Hey all-

The trip accounts are great! Sorry to hear about the gas problem, but I hope it is just in the gas tank and not in the cab! Keep the updates coming-we are excited to hear about them!

Mike and the M's (Michele, Maddie, and Emily)

soccer grandma said...

Hey! My mom was wondering since you guys hadn't put anything new up, have you been eaten by a bear? =] We saw Tyler's place yesterday and it is nice... i guess. Just the ppl b4 didnt get rid of THEIR crap so its basically all stuck in their backyard. Ah well, my little brother woke me up VERY early this morning by throwing Boomer's toys at me >=[ and i couldnt go back to sleep. well gtg. Love Ya! <3
~Soccer G-Ma

The Conrads said...

Hey guys! Love the pictures. Its great to hear about your travels, I'm glad you decided to keep the blog. Just think, this way you'll remember all the good and bad (bimbette park ranger) times! That story was funny! Not funny for you I'm sure, but come on..... Anyway, looks like everyone is enjoying themselves. Katie and Matt are still smiling! That's a good sign. I won't worry until Katie starts holding up small "help me" signs in the pictures! Stay safe and enjoy!

soccer grandma said...

Hey guys! My mom says that maybe you were eaten by a bear. =P Yeah i'm at my mom's work right now with nothing to do. But luckily there are tons of chocolately things so i can snack. It feels constricting in here, like it feels hot and i cant breath =X Well got to go. Love YA! <3
~Soccer G-Ma